Forks Over Knives Review
iPhone App
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Forks Over Knives Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on August 21st, 2014
Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: TASTY AND HEALTHY
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Want some tasty new recipe ideas but want to keep it healthy? Forks Over Knives is the ideal app for you.

Developer: Monica Beach Media
Price: $3.99
Version Reviewed: 1.01
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Despite what some people might think, it's possible to eat decadent food while still keeping it pretty healthy. Swapping out certain ingredients can make all the difference here, which is precisely why Forks Over Knives is a handy app for cookery fans.

Guiding you through over 130 different whole-food, plant-based recipes, Forks Over Knives ably demonstrates just what can be done to make food healthier while remaining tasty. Yes, cupcake frosting doesn't need to be incredibly bad for you, you can use dates to thicken things up!

Divided up into various useful categories such as breakfast, wraps and burgers, decadent desserts, and sides, it's easy to browse through Forks Over Knives. Each recipe is represented with its name and a tantalizing photo of the meal. Hop into a recipe and ingredients, method, and a brief description of the recipe itself ensure you won't get confused about what to do. You can choose to skip recipes that aren't gluten or nut free too, which is handy for those with allergies and intolerances, plus there's a favoriting tool.

As is customary for recipe apps, there's an easy to use shopping list feature - meaning you can send the relevant items straight to a list that has been arranged by the aisle in the store. Unfortunately there's no way to sync this content across other devices though, which would have been convenient.

That aside, Forks Over Knives hardly skips a beat. It's quick to use, appealing to look at, and offers some delicious recipe ideas. For the price tag you get plenty of recipes without the fear of being asked to pay up via any in-app purchases. There's even a tips section for those new to the idea of a plant-based lifestyle. It's an ideal way to eat better without feeling like you're missing out on some tasty food.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Forks Plant-Based Recipes screenshot 1 Forks Plant-Based Recipes screenshot 2 Forks Plant-Based Recipes screenshot 3 Forks Plant-Based Recipes screenshot 4 Forks Plant-Based Recipes screenshot 5
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