Weple Money Free Review
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Weple Money Free Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on February 7th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: ORGANIZED FINANCES
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It won't garner admiration for its looks, but Weple Money Free is a handy, free solution for those wanting to keep tabs on their finances.

Developer: Bumblebee
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 2.1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

It has its issues (and I'm not just talking about its name) but Weple Money Free has its heart in the right place, proving to be an eventually quite useful app for those keeping an eye on where their money is going.

Free to use with an in-app purchase of $0.99 to remove the ads, it's certainly not going to break the bank. The problem is that Weple Money Free isn't very intuitive. It's an app that could immediately do with a tutorial to guide one through the basics as, initially, it all looks quite imposing. A calendar style layout opens up and waits for one to input some figures, but a helping hand would have gone a long way here.

Fortunately a plus icon gives some indication of where to start. That plus icon gives users the choice of adding a withdrawal or deposit, thereby putting things into motion. Essentially, adding information is down to tapping on the relevant date and hitting that plus icon. Categories open up, allowing one to enter what kind of payment or income the amount relates to - ensuring it's always clear what's going on with one's money. It's a little fiddly to select the right category but one gets used to the layout after a time.

It's possible to look at such figures from different perspectives, such as by week or day, again proving handy for those trying to analyze how their money is dished out on a regular basis. Elsewhere, it's possible to view a monthly overview that, as the year goes by, will prove handy the longer that one uses Weple Money Free. None of these screens are exactly pretty to look at - most are full of lines and a slightly ugly interface - but they do the job well.

As a free solution, Weple Money Free is a convenient way of keeping an eye on the ins and outs of one's money. Alongside decent exporting and back up facilities, it offers most of the features that the average user could want. It might not be stylish, but practicality wise it has things covered.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Weple Money screenshot 1 Weple Money screenshot 2 Weple Money screenshot 3 Weple Money screenshot 4 Weple Money screenshot 5
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