Live Score Addicts Review Live Score Addicts Review
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Live Score Addicts Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on March 6th, 2012
Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: VITAL
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An essential app for soccer fans in need of a way to quickly check the latest scores.

Developer: FootballAddicts
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

Simple to look at yet extraordinarily comprehensive in terms of what's offered. That's all anyone really wants from a live scoring app. It's the perfect portable accompaniment for the sports fan who hasn't been able to keep close to the TV, PC or radio but is desperate to know what's going on.

Live Score Addicts focuses on the soccer world with options for the 300 most popular leagues and cups around the world. Everywhere possible is catered for, from the behemoth might of the English Premier League to the US's Major League Soccer, right down to Peru's Primera Division and the Macedonian SuperCup.

Setup is a breeze. It's all a matter of tapping a few buttons. Choose the countries and leagues of interest, decide which scores are so important as to require push notifications and away the app goes. It's as simple as that. A clear interface then provides all the details of yesterday's match results, today's in progress matches as well as forthcoming fixtures, plus tomorrow's plans. In the case of completed matches, a tap on the relevant score line produces all the big highlights of the game such as injuries, carding offences, substitutions and goals, along with the full team line up that played for each side, and the possibility of videos connected to the event.

That's the case with the vast majority of matches, with only a minority not including lineups (although match time details are included).

Priority can be assigned to different leagues so a quick consultation of the app can produce a huge array of results or just the big, all important ties, depending on the user's interests.

It's comprehensive stuff indeed, with hardly a flaw in sight. More videos would have been appreciated but other than that, it's plain sailing for Live Score Addicts. The promise of future updates offering even more statistics such as ball possession, set pieces and shots on/off goal make for a potential icing on the cake.

For the Soccer fan, this is an essential purchase.

iPhone Screenshots

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iPad Screenshots

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Apple Watch Screenshots

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